The Office for Student Well-Being utilizes evidence-based programs and best practices to address substance use at Mississippi State University.

SWB applies a harm reduction approach to help inform students how their substance use may be affecting their student success and overall well-being. The main goal is to empower students to make informed decisions about their substance use by providing them with the proper knowledge, attitude and skills to do so.


Screen U is an anonymous web-based approach that includes screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) for college students. ScreenU provides feedback to students including strategies to reduce their risk. It takes approximately five minutes to complete.

More about ScreenU


A simple and effective method of screening for unhealthy alcohol use, defined as risky or hazardous consumption or any alcohol use disorder. Based on the data from a multinational World Health Organization collaborative study, the AUDIT has become the world’s most widely used alcohol screening instrument since its publication in 1989.

More about AUDIT

Contact Us

To learn more about available substance use services, please email or call 662-325-2090